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New Radio Študent radio show prepared by members of the migrant community in Slovenia !


As part of the Migrants Giving Vocie to Migrants project, two participants, Oussama Lahmaza and Furkan Güner, who participated in the journalism training at Radio Študent, under the mentorship of RŠ journalist Jaka Virant, began preparing a new radio show, Enolončnica.

First edition of Enolončnica is all about introductions: of hosts, of topics that we will talk about in the broadcast, cultural and sociological background of hosts, and last but not least - the introducition of live radio to hosts. Listen to it here!

As the authors themselves say: "Stew is a simple dish that can be served with a piece of homemade bread as a standalone dish, as it contains enough nutrients that must be contained in lunch or dinner. It is a kind of thick soup consisting of several different types of food , especially vegetables. The stews are mostly prepared in autumn and winter, as they are very filling in themselves and warm us up pleasantly on cold days. "

You can listen to the show every third Saturday of the month on Radio Študent, and all of the previous shows can be found here.

Tune in!



V sklopu projekta Migrantu migrantu glas sta dva udeleženca, Oussama Lahmaza in Furkan Güner, ki sta bila vključena v usposabljanje na področju novinarstva, pod mentorstvom novinarja Jake Viranta začela s pripravo nove radijske oddaje Enolončnica.

Prva v seriji oddaj je predvsem "uvodna" - predstavitev voditeljev oddaje, teme, o katerih se bosta pogovarjala z gosti, kulturnega on sociološkega ozadja voditeljev in nenazadnje tudi uvajanje samih voditeljev v živo vodenje oddaje. Prisluhnete ji lahko tukaj!

Kot pravita sama avtorja: "Enolončnica je preprosta jed, ki jo lahko s kosom domačega kruha postrežemo tudi kot samostojno jed, saj vsebuje dovolj hranljivih sestavin, ki jih mora vsebovati kosilo ali večerja. Je neke vrste gosta juha, sestavljena iz več različnih vrst živil, predvsem zelenjave. Enolončnice se večinoma pripravljajo jeseni in pozimi, saj so same po sebi zelo nasitne in nas v mrzlih dneh prijetno pogrejejo."

Oddaji lahko prisluhnete vsako tretjo soboto v mesecu na valovih Radia Študent, vse pretekle oddaje pa najdete tukaj.

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